Nasdaq Sprott Nickel Miners Index

439.56 -2.72 0.00%

Key Stats

Previous Close 439.56 Today’s High 444.64 Today’s Low 437.26


Nasdaq Sprott Nickel Miners Index

1H 3H All

Index Description

The Nasdaq Sprott Nickel Miners Index is designed to track the performance of a selection of global securities in the nickel industry. Nickel is a raw material that is essential to the transition to a less carbon-intensive economy. Nickel is critical for the energy transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources and technologies, and for the purpose of this, index include major nickel producers, developers, and explorers.

The Index began on January 16, 2023 at a base value of 1000.00.

Summary Details

Last 439.56
Net Change -2.72
Net Change(%) 0.00%
Day High 444.64
Day Low 437.26
Previous Close 439.56
Base Value 1,000.00

Products Linked to the Nasdaq Sprott Nickel Miners Index


Name Symbol Sponsor
Sprott Nickel Miners ETF NIKL Sprott Focus Trust, Inc.