Nasdaq CTA Smartphone Index

847.79 0.48 0.06%

Key Stats

Previous Close 847.31 Today’s High 848.52 Today’s Low 846.90


Nasdaq CTA Smartphone Index

1H 3H All

Index Description

The Nasdaq CTA Smartphone Index is designed to track the performance of companies engaged in the Smartphone segment of the telecom and technology sectors. The Index includes companies primarily involved in the building and design of handsets, hardware, software, and mobile networks associated with the development, sale, and usage of Smartphone’s. A Smartphone is defined as a wireless, mobile communication device offering advanced capabilities and functionalities, including web access, through the use of an identifiable operating system.

The Index began on April 12, 2010 at a base value of 250.00.

Summary Details

Last 847.79
Net Change 0.48
Net Change(%) 0.06%
Day High 848.52
Day Low 846.90
Previous Close 847.31
Base Value 250.00
Divisor 13,795,679,481