OMX Copenhagen Benchmark Cap_GI

2,577.78 41.84 1.65%

Key Stats

Previous Close 2,577.78 Today’s High 2,581.09 Today’s Low 2,555.80


OMX Copenhagen Benchmark Cap_GI

1H 3H All

Index Description

The OMX Copenhagen Benchmark Index consists of the 50 to 80 largest and most traded stocks, representing the majority of sectors. The weight of the constituent stocks is based on the market value adjusted by the free float, which means that only the part of the share capital that is considered available for trading is included in the index. The index serves as an indicator of the overall trend on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange and is intended to offer a cost effective index that an investor can fully replicate. Thus OMXCB index is especially attractive for use in investment products and as a comparative index for investors. OMXCB is revised twice a year to ensure that it offers high investability and low transaction costs. The index is available as PI and GI and as weight capped versions called OMXCBCAP calculated as PI and GI. The base date for OMXCB indices is December 31, 1995, with a base value of 100. Capped sector indexes at GICS level 1 are also available.

Summary Details

Last 2,577.78
Net Change 41.84
Net Change(%) 1.65%
Day High 2,581.09
Day Low 2,555.80
Previous Close 2,577.78
Base Value 100.00
Divisor 605,823,871