Nasdaq Victory US 500 Small Vol Wt

7,546.09 -33.11 -0.44%

Key Stats

Previous Close 7,579.52 Today’s High 7,590.11 Today’s Low 7,524.89


Nasdaq Victory US 500 Small Vol Wt

1H 3H All

Index Description

The Nasdaq Victory U.S. Small Cap 500 Volatility Weighted Index contains up to the 500 largest publicly traded stocks within the Nasdaq US Small Cap Index universe and must have positive net earnings across the last twelve months.The Index began on May 30, 2012 at a base value of 2,098.53.

Summary Details

Last 7,546.09
Net Change -33.11
Net Change(%) -0.44%
Day High 7,590.11
Day Low 7,524.89
Previous Close 7,579.52
Base Value 1,000.00
Divisor 18,517,595

Products Linked to the Nasdaq Victory US 500 Small Vol Wt


Name Symbol Sponsor
VictoryShares US Small Cap Volatility Wtd ETF CSA Victory Capital